Permisos parentales y el principio de igualdad. Análisis sobre la normativa de los países de América del Sur

Este artículo se propone analizar el reconocimiento de los permisos por maternidad y paternidad desde una perspectiva de igualdad de género en el campo laboral y doméstico. Se estudia el impacto de este derecho dentro de las responsabilidades de los padres sobre el cuidado de los hijos y la inclusión laboral. A partir de una lógica deductiva se describe y analiza la norma laboral de diez países de América del Sur donde las licencias parentales se han reconocido legalmente.

Impact of fixed charges on the viability of self-consumption photovoltaics Author links open overlay panel

Due to its zero-marginal-cost, the high penetration of renewable energy sources in the electricity markets threatens incumbents’ business models who are gradually shifting towards fixed power charges instead of the traditional energy charges. The purpose of this study is to assess the impacts of these fixed power charges on the economics of PV systems under self-consumption schemes. Using real demand and generation data, simulations include detailed computation of annual billing savings, payback-time, self-consumption and self-sufficiency of a dwelling coupled with PV-battery system.

Incentivo a la generación distribuida en el Ecuador. Ingenius.

Reducing solar infrastructure costs is one of the main reasons for its global growth. In Ecuador adjustments to the legal framework have to be made to encourage the installation of small photovoltaic solar structures for electricity customers connected to low voltage distribution networks for their personal consumption, and any surplus energy be injected into the grid.

