Desarrollo de modelos espacio – temporales de variables solares y eólicas, para estimar el potencial energético en la Región Sur del Ecuador.


The results of this project will contribute significantly to the development of new projects to the use of renewable energy in the Southern Region Ecuador (solar thermal, solar photovoltaic, wind). Geomatic be developed methodologies for obtaining maps and climograms the entire CSR, in order to obtain in each geographical point information from solar radiation and wind velocity, at the time - space. This will be done primarily from two sources: 1. Data points (weather stations), and 2. Satellite maps. These maps allow the establishment of CSR which sites have good potential, and multicriteria evaluation will be chosen with the places where the weather stations will be located. The stations will allow to compare the results of the project and periodically continue to be a source of information regarding potential solar and wind. At the end there will be a publication of the results in scientific journals, media, publishing websites of the University, seminars and courses on project results.

jorge Maldonado, Juan Solano

