
Desarrollo de energías renovables a pequeña escala en los sectores rurales de la provincia de Loja.

En la actualidad en el Ecuador se ha emprendido por una parte, en una revalorización y cambio de la matriz energética, en la que se procura hasta el 2020 disminuir la dependencia del país de la generación térmica y paulatinamente incorporar centrales que utilicen fuentes renovables de energía; y además, ampliar la cobertura eléctrica a los sectores rurales marginales que carecen de este recurso, y es así como se han promovido programas y proyectos de electrificación rural utilizando energías renovables.

A Review of Concepts and Methods for Wind Turbines Condition Monitoring Revisión de Métodos y Conceptos del Monitoreo por Condición en Aerogeneradores.

As the demand for wind energy continues to grow at exponential rates, reducing operation and maintenance costs and increasing reliability is now a top priority. Aside from developing more advanced wind turbines designs to improve the availability, an effective way to achieve this improvement is to apply reliable and cost-effective condition monitoring techniques. This paper is a general review and classification of methods and techniques for wind turbine condition monitoring.

Análisis Climático de la Velocidad del Viento en la Región Sur del Ecuador.

In the present work, it was analyzed monthly data series of wind speed in 10 Meteorological Stations landed in Loja province, Ecuador. Using the information of the Meteorological and Hydrological National Institute (INAMHI), with lacks in the data series. They was completed, normalized and homogenized according to the methodology used by Alvarez et al. (2013). The principal statistics were obtained and the time series were analyzed, and so the possibilities of using the wind power for energy use in the areas where the meteorological stations are landed.

Avaliação da produção energética do parque eólico Villonaco usando modelos numéricos computacionais.

Neste trabalho, apresenta-se o estudo comparativo entre a produção de energia real do parque eólico Villonaco e a produção de energia calculada por Meteodyn WT, que é uma ferramenta CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) baseada num modelo de fluxo não lineal e nas equações tridimensionais de Reynolds, Averaged Navier-Stokes.

Wind Power Resource Assessment in Complex Terrain: Villonaco Case-study Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis.

This paper describes a complex terrain wind farm case study in the Ecuadorian Andes. The Windfarm Villonaco is located in southern Ecuador, 640km of Quito, 2700 m a.s.l. with 16.5 MW power output. The objective is to compare actual power production from an existing wind farm with power production predicted by Meteodyn WT, which is a CFD tool based on a nonlinear flow model. The results of this work show that the calculation of the annual energy production of the Villonaco Wind Farm using Meteodyn WT is equal to 69.0 GWh / year, with a capacity factor of 53%.

Power Performance Verification of a Wind Turbine by using the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test

In this letter, nonparametric statistical inference is applied to designing a simple, inexpensive method of verifying the power performance of a wind turbine. The proposed method uses the data collected by the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system and the guaranteed power curve of the turbine, and it says whether the power performance of a wind turbine differed significantly from what would be expected.

Power Performance Verification of a Wind Farm Using the Friedman’s Test

In this paper, a method of verification of the power performance of a wind farm is presented. This method is based on the Friedman’s test, which is a nonparametric statistical inference technique, and it uses the information that is collected by the SCADA system from the sensors embedded in the wind turbines in order to carry out the power performance verification of a wind farm.

Método de selección para la ubicación de puntos de monitoreo de gases de combustión provenientes de fuentes fijas puntuales en la ciudad de Loja, Ecuador.

El presente trabajo se realiza dentro del marco del proyecto “Evaluación de la contaminación atmosférica por fuentes de combustión en la ciudad de Loja y su mitigación con energías renovables” y tiene como objeto mostrar el criterio de selección de los puntos de medición para el monitoreo de gases procedentes de fuentes puntuales continuas, teniendo como antecedentes los resultados de las encuestas del trabajo de Rojas [1], y la modelación realizada utilizando el método de Gradiente K del Dr. M. E. Berlyand [2] modificado por Álvarez O. [3].

