
The Energy Mix Dilemma and Environmental Sustainability: Interaction among Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Nuclear Energy, Urban Agglomeration, and Economic Growth

In this paper we examined the interaction between greenhouse gas emissions, nuclear energy, coal energy, urban agglomeration, and economic growth in Pakistan by utilizing time series data during 1972–2019. The stationarity of the variables was tested through unit root tests, while the ARDL (autoregressive distributed lag) method with long and short-run estimations was applied to reveal the linkages between variables.

Environmental Impact of the Shadow Economy, Globalisation, Trade and Market Size: Evidence Using Linear and Non-Linear Methods

The achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) related to the environment requires identifying new sources of environmental degradation. In this research, we examine the impact of the underground economy on polluting gas emissions. This relationship was estimated, including the role of globalization, trade, and market size. Using annual data from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, we found that, in the short term, the underground economy had a negative effect on global environmental pollution and a long-term negative impact.

Heterogeneous impact of natural resources on income inequality: The role of the shadow economy and human capital index

The stylized facts show that natural resource prices are highly volatile. The immediate consequences of such volatility are changes in the labor force’s income distribution and public spending. In this context, this research aims to examine the impact of natural resource rents on inequality, including the role of the shadow economy and the human capital index. We use annual data and second-generation panel data cointegration techniques to correct potential bias caused by slope heterogeneity and cross-section dependence.

Do economic development and human capital decrease non-renewable energy consumption? Evidence for OECD countries

The false hope that economic development would lead to a decrease in fossil sources’ energy consumption can be an obstacle to fighting global warming. Is it realistic to expect that more knowledge will lead public policymakers to take more decisive action to mitigate climate change’s adverse effects? This research attempts to answer both premises using data for developed countries with high human capital levels: 27-member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development-OECD during 1980–2015.

Análisis de los factores que impiden el crecimiento microempresarial, mediante un Análisis de Correspondencia Múltiple: Estudio de caso Loja - Ecuador

Existen factores que suelen impedir el crecimiento microempresarial. Es por ello por lo que el objetivo de esta investigación es determinar los factores que impiden el crecimiento microempresarial, para ello se utilizó el método de Análisis de Correspondencia Múltiple, para la aplicación de esta metodología la información proviene de una fuente primaria derivada de la aplicación de una encuesta a los negocios de la ciudad de Loja.

Impact of Government Stability and Investment Profile on Forest Area: The Role of Natural Protected Areas

Forest area plays a fundamental role in air and water quality and directly impacts agricultural productivity. This research aims to examine the impact of government stability and investment profiles on forest cover in countries within the ASEAN region. Specifically, the research includes Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. In the research development, we examine the role which protected natural areas play in the conservation of forests.

Forest Area: Old and New Factors That Affect Its Dynamics

The analysis of the nexus between environmental degradation and economic progress has focused on polluting emissions. However, the forest area plays a significant role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) related to the environment. Forest area is directly related to air and water quality and the absorption of polluting residues. At the same time, in recent decades, economic progress processes have been internationalised and knowledge has improved in the context of persistent income inequality.

Effect of Agricultural Employment and Export Diversification Index on Environmental Pollution: Building the Agenda towards Sustainability

Agricultural activities have a significant impact on environmental quality, because they generate waste that pollutes water and soil. In parallel, the supply of products has diversified in recent years to meet growing demand, exerting strong pressure on nature’s capacity for regeneration and absorption of waste. This research aims to examine the impact of agricultural employment and the export diversification index on ecological footprints, using advanced techniques of panel data econometrics.

Urbanization, Economic Development, and Environmental Degradation: Investigating the Role of Renewable Energy Use

The current study explored the impact of renewable energy use, urbanization, economic growth and trade in services on CO 2 emission in Maldives by using annual data series ranging from 1990 to 2020. We have checked the variables influences by utilizing the nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag (NARDL) method with long-run and short-run connections.

